Taxi for people with disabilities to appear in Osterska AH, Chernihiv Oblast

The Osterska amalgamated hromada of the Chernihiv Oblast will soon get a specially equipped car for the transportation of people with disabilities.

This was reported to journalists during the press tour to the Osterska AH, organised by the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, said Andrii Skydan, deputy mayor of Oster city.

“Just yesterday we received an order from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine dated 23 May 2019, that the Oster Territorial Centre will receive a specially equipped car (with a lift) to serve people with disabilities, that is, we also won the competition and will have a social taxi,” said the deputy mayor.

According to him, the hromada managed to win a special car, having participated in the project to improve innovative social services, in particular transport ones.

The Oster Territorial Social Service Centre was established in March 2017 and initially employed 17 people. Now there are already 28 employees, and they also serve the neighbouring Desnianska AH, which has signed a cooperation agreement.

“In January 2019, we applied for the 3rd Round of the Roll-Out Phase of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme for the ASC modernisation and succeeded in being selected to participate in it. This Round envisages that we carry out small repairs of the premises (floor, transparent door, ramp at the entrance and barrier-free access to the toilet for people with disabilities) at our own expense, and the U-LEAD representatives develop the design of the premises, supply it with furniture and equipment. We create our ASC in a very nice room of the former Vital Records Office (it moved to the premises of the Cultural Centre), and it will be really fancy,” said the deputy mayor.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

03.06.2019 - 09:57 | Views: 10289
Taxi for people with disabilities to appear in Osterska AH, Chernihiv Oblast


social services


Чернігівська область


Остерська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Остерська територіальна громада



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