By Oleksandr Hnitetskyi, spatial planning expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme
The process of transferring state agricultural land outside settlements was the main event of 2018 towards land decentralisation. Thus, according to the results of the last year, 646 AHs received 1450.8 thousand hectares of land. Interestingly enough, in January 2018, it was forecast that only 760 thousand hectares would be transferred to hromadas.
These results became possible due to the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 60-r as of 31.01.2018.
646 AHs have already received the land, what will happen with the others?
Thus, the terms of reference of the agreement concluded between the State Service of Ukraine for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and the State Enterprise “State Land Cadastre Centre”, specifies a list of 141 AHs to be the next to receive land in their ownership.
The table shows land inventory data in 4 oblasts of Ukraine.
There is no land so far, yet hromadas already have powers.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 60-r, prior to the transfer of state-owned agricultural land plots of to the communal ownership of hromadas, disposal of state-owned agricultural lands takes place in agreement with AHs.
Therefore, even those hromadas that have not yet received the land can influence the decisions related to the land plots they will definitely receive.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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