With the support of Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman a large-scale Local Self-Government Forum, and within its frames – the Third Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas, will be held in Kyiv on 5 December.
It is expected that the participants of the Forum, namely the representatives of local self-government of all levels, all-Ukrainian associations of local self-government bodies, MPs, representatives of the Government, international donor community and expert environment will elaborate priority tasks of the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power for the nearest future with due account of the need to complete the reform implementation by 2020. The Forum will also focus on the issue of local economic development.
The Forum’s agenda includes the following discussions:
Live broadcast and live interview with the participants of the event will be carried out by ESPRESO TV channel – media partner of the Forum.
Accreditation of media representatives for participation in the Local Self-Government Forum and the Third Forum of Amalgamated Hromadas will start soon.
Please, follow further announcements of the Forum.
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