Baturynska, Kozeletska and Lyubetska hromadas told about their strategic plans

The main task of making a hromada’s development strategy is to find “growth points” and “hromada’s peculiarities”, and to transform problems into tasks and projects.

On 22 November the Baturynska, Kozeletska and Lyubetska amalgamated hromadas presented their development strategies. These three AHs have been working over the strategic documents together with experts of the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.

According to Iryna Kudryk, director of the Chernihiv LGDC, the development strategy helps hromadas to determine the direction they should follow after their amalgamation. “During work on a strategic plan, people are thinking about the future, assessing available resources and expressing ideas for development. The hromada should not be developed chaotically, there should be a plan of action, a “road map” of changes. The Chernihiv LGDC aims to be the most useful for AHs. Our team helps hromadas to work on the document, accompanies this work at every stage,” said the director.

Valentyn Poterukha, Baturyn city deputy head, presented the strategic vision for the development of the Baturynska AH and told about hromada’s main goals for the future, including tourism development, smart-specialisation, creation of agribusiness centre, and so on.

Inna Yaroshenko, deputy head of the Kozeletska hromada, told about the goals and tasks set forth by the Kozeletska AH. She presented a strategic vision of hromada’s development. The AH aims to develop high-tech agriculture and create products, to be safe for life and business, to have a developed infrastructure, to provide high-quality educational and medical services. The hromada residents did not forget about the development of sports and leisure within the Ukrainian national traditions.

Serhii Pinchuk, head of the Lyubetska amalgamated hromada, shared his impressions of cooperation with the Chernihiv Local Government Development Centre while writing the development strategy. ”No hromada can be developed, if it does not know where it is moving, what resources it owns and what its inhabitants, both adults and children, want,” he said. According to Serhii Pinchuk, the work on a strategic vision has lasted for a long time.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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