Budget Transparency Oscar-2018: list of hromadas-nominees for the Crystal of the Year Award unveiled

On 27 November 2018, at 16:00 the Congress Hall of the President Hotel (12, Hospitalna street, Kyiv) will host a ceremony of awarding the winners of the Crystal of the Year Budget Transparency Ranking among Ukrainian amalgamated hromadas and cities. The event is organised by a consortium of international technical assistance projects, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the EU Delegation, the Government of Canada, the East Europe Foundation and the International Renaissance Foundation. Representatives of the Ukrainian Government together with the heads of diplomatic missions of partner countries will present awards to the winners.

The Crystal of the Year Award is the first in Ukraine awarding of cities and hromadas that have earned the highest points of local budgets’ transparency index. The index simultaneously shows the state of affairs in the budget sphere and serves as a guideline for the indicators and practices of budget process transparency to follow. The Crystal of the Year acknowledges the best cities and hromadas evaluated due to internationally recognised methodology. They have demonstrated the most transparent budget process that involves residents and is based on information technology to ensure accountability of public funds.

The ceremony will bring together over 300 participants, including representatives of hromadas and municipalities, donor and expert communities, central and regional authorities. During the awarding, officials will congratulate hromadas and cities that understand and accept the idea of ​​openness, participation and transparency in the budget process. The ceremony will unveil the winners, the process they were determined, and their budget transparency practice.

Cities and hromadas claim to receive awards in various nominations.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

15.11.2018 - 09:21 | Views: 16497
Budget Transparency Oscar-2018: list of hromadas-nominees for the Crystal of the Year Award unveiled


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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