Accession of Ukraine to the EU
This section deals with the negotiation process of EU legislation (the so-called Acquis communautaire), which have the greatest impact on local development, in particular:
Chapter 5 - Public procurement
Chapter 8 - State aid
Chapter 11 - Agriculture and development of rural areas
Chapter 19 - Social policy and employment
Chapter 22 - Regional policy and coordination with instruments of structural funds (including the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), Cohesion Fund
Chapter 27 - Environment and climate change
It is of utmost importance for Ukrainian local governance to actively monitor legislative changes in these areas, as well as learn from the experience of partners from EU countries, which recently joined the European Union and have practical experience of transformations in the process of European integration.
Also, the EU allocates significant funds to support candidate countries to implement the changes necessary for accession. The main instrument for supporting Ukraine in the process of European integration will be the Ukraine Facility Plan - the European Union's financial assistance programme in the amount of 50 billion euros until 2027.