For the Central Reform Office Coordination team, we are looking for a Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (full time 100%) to work in Kyiv.
In the last few years, Ukraine has developed and adopted various laws in favour of an ambitious decentralisation reform, which reshapes the relation between the national, regional and local level and builds institutional capacity. The success of the decentralisation reform greatly depends on the coordination and cooperation between the different stakeholders involved, including central government and regional offices. The Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services (MinRegion) is responsible for the overall implementation of this milestone reform process.
The Ministry is being supported in this task by U-LEAD (Ukraine- Local Empowerment, Accountability and Development), a multi-donor programme by the EU and its member states Germany, Sweden, Denmark Poland, and Estonia. The programme provides advice and administrative support to MinRegion on a wide range of issues related to decentralisation reform and the implementation of Ukraine’s regional development policy. To coordinate the implementation of the reform process MinRegion has set up a Central Reform Office (CRO). Within U-LEAD the Central Reform Office Coordination Team (CROC, MinRegion Coordinators) is the essential support for MinRegion. The CROC serves as an interface and as key interlocutors with relevant stakeholders and designated experts. It also ensures information-sharing with relevant projects of other donors, harmonisation and coordination with other sectoral reforms including health, education and others.
The CRO Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator (M&E Coordinator) will coordinate monitoring and evaluation efforts of MinRegion and support relevant departments of MinRegion in liasoning with the international TA projects and donor community closely cooperating with other Coordinators of the CRO Coordination team.
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator
Area of responsibilities
Starting as soon as possible. The contract duration is until the end of December 2018 with possible prolongation till the end of 2019.
We are looking forward to your application in English, comprising a cover letter explaining your motivation and your CV until 18th Feb 2018 to the following e-mail:
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