Contest for ASCs for piloting the information system
The State Agency for E-Governance of Ukraine invites the ASCs to submit their applications for piloting the Information System "Programme Complex for the Automation of the Provision of Administrative Services", developed under the U-LEAD with Europe project EGOV4UKRAINE.
The system will be piloted in 10 ACSs until October 2018, and then implemented in small ASCs throughout Ukraine during next 3 years.
It is expected that the information system will speed up the work of center administrators tenfold, will ensure uninterrupted electronic document management and give access to government databases. Piloting the new information system for ASC is voluntary and free of charge during the project period.
The information system will increase accessibility and quality of administrative services, reduce the cost of processing documents, accelerate communication, ensure reliable storage and protection of information.
To partake in contest for piloting the system, ASC should submit an application, fill in the form of technical characteristics, and send them to
Application submission date: by 18.00 Kyiv time on May 16, 2018.
Evaluation of applications: by May 30, 2018.
Announcing results: June 5, 2018.
Signing the cooperation agreement, commencing the implementation: by July 5, 2018
A detailed description of the system, the criteria for selecting a pilot RCA, the application form and the form for describing the technical characteristics are available in the Annexes
The development of the information system is part of the U-LEAD with Europe / U-LEAD with Europe Programme funded by the European Union and its member states Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Poland and Sweden.
Attached images:
Administrative services EGOV4UKRAINE
Державне агентство з питань електронного урядування України

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